McNeese State University was established by the 路易斯安那州 Legislature in 1938 and opened its doors for its first fall session on September 11, 1939, 140名学生和三栋建筑. The institution was first named the Lake Charles Junior College and was a division of 路易斯安那州 State University. 第二年秋天, 为了纪念约翰·麦克尼斯,学校改名为约翰·麦克尼斯初级学院, a renowned Southwest 路易斯安那州 educator and the first superintendent of schools in Imperial Calcasieu Parish. In 1950, McNeese became a four-year college in its own right and came under the authority of the 路易斯安那州 Board of Education and would receive accreditation in 1954 by the Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学. Finally, in 1970, McNeese State University became the official name of the institution.
McNeese, 位于查尔斯湖, 路易斯安那州, 包括122英亩的主校区, the 65-acre Doland 体育运动 Complex that includes the state-of-the-art Legacy Center, 西南路易斯安那州创业和经济发展中心, 肉类生产和加工促进中心, KBYS 88.3个调频广播电台和3个农场,200英亩的土地用于研究, 农业, 和牧场. The main campus comprises over 50 buildings including the three original structures – Kaufman Hall, 拉尔夫阿. 沃德纪念体育馆(竞技场),弗朗西斯·G. 灯泡礼堂, a striking example of Art Deco architecture listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
80多年来, the institution has been recognized as one of the finest regional universities in the South. McNeese是一个充满活力的人, 以学生为中心的大学,由来自路易斯安那州各地的学生组成, 美国, 50多个国家.
McNeese State University is a student-centric university whose mission is to change the lives of students through quality education and to provide services to the employers and communities in its region. 麦克尼斯大学采用传统的基于完成课程的录取程序, 平均绩点(GPA), 标准化考试成绩.
- Residents of southwest 路易斯安那州 who have completed high school and are seeking either a college degree or continuing professional education;
- Two-year college transfer students, particularly those from SOWELA Technical 社区 College;
- 该地区的雇主, 公共和私人, 学区, 医疗服务提供者, 地方政府, 私营企业;
- Economic development interests and regional entrepreneurs; and
- The area community, by providing a broad range of academic and cultural activities and public events.
- 一系列本科阶段的文科课程——艺术和人文学科, 社会科学, natural sciences—appropriate to a teaching institution with a predominately under研究生 student body.
- 教育学士学位课程, 工程, 业务, 护理, 选定的联合医疗领域, 大众传播, 以及刑事司法.
- Master’s programs primarily related to education, 工程, arts, sciences, 护理, and 业务.
- 专业领域博士学位.
- Support for area K-12 schools seeking college general education courses for advanced students and assistance in ensuring that their 研究生s are college- and career-ready.
- 专门为满足区域经济发展需要而设计的服务, 比如小企业的发展, 对企业家的支持, 以及解决问题的能力.
- Programs in entrepreneurship and small 业务 development supported by the Southwest Entrepreneurial and Economic Development (SEED) Center.
- Agricultural and related sciences with opportunities for experiential learning at three working farms and the Center for Advancement of Meat Processing and Production (CAMPP).
- Custom academic programs and professional certifications integrated with area 业务 and industry.
- Applied under研究生 research partnerships in 工程, sciences, and allied health.
- Cultural events designed to connect McNeese with the regional arts community and K-12 education.
80多年来, McNeese State University has been trusted and respected as an institution of innovation and academic excellence. Ranked as one of the top public universities in 美国 and one of the finest regional universities in the South, our university is also recognized as having one of the best returns on investment for tuition and high average starting salaries for its 研究生s.
我们的低学费, 结合高质量的课程开发和教学经验丰富的教师, 再加上蓬勃发展的校园社区, mean that students receive a high value education for a fraction of the cost of larger universities. 有34个 本科学术课程 和16 研究生课程 选择…, 蓬勃发展的体育传统和充满活力的校园生活, McNeese提供了一所大型大学的所有好处,并提供了个性化的触摸.
McNeese achieved Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学 accreditation in 1954 and maintains its regional accreditation status as a Level V institution authorized to award associate, 学士学位, 硕士, 还有博士学位和本科学位, 学士学位阶段后的, 研究生, 还有邮政硕士证书. We also provide opportunities for continuing education in supporting our values of lifelong learning.
As a member of the 路易斯安那大学系统 and a selective admissions institution, 麦克尼斯大学通过威廉J. 多尔,老. School of Graduate Studies and six academic colleges: Agricultural Sciences; Business; Education; Liberal Arts; Nursing and 健康 Professions; and Science, 工程, 和数学. Many of our colleges and degree programs have been awarded additional accreditation from professional and industry 组织.
位于查尔斯湖, 路易斯安那州, McNeese serves as an economic and workforce development partner for Southwest 路易斯安那州 employers. 位于该州发展最快的地区之一, McNeese为当地的石化企业提供高素质的员工, 农业和酒店业, as well as hospitals and public and private schools throughout Southwest 路易斯安那州. 我们的毕业生也成功地开始了自己的事业, 从律师事务所到兽医诊所. 在整个美国.S. 在国外,麦克尼校友正在改变人们的生活,做出宝贵的贡献. 毕业生们纷纷成为成功的首席执行官和立法者, 先锋医生和科学家, 开创性的艺人和专业运动员, 以及获奖的艺术家和作家.
But our impact stretches beyond preparing students to enter the workforce or continue their education as 研究生 students and doctoral candidates. McNeese, 通过与当地工业的合作, 组织, 和政府, provides enrichment opportunities for the Southwest 路易斯安那州 community and beyond, 包括我们的校园广播电台kkbys, 我们在McNeese系列的文化横幅, 凯·多罗尔咨询诊所, 麦克尼自闭症项目, 我们的小母牛发展计划, 我们的暑期STEM学院, and our partnership with the Southwest 路易斯安那州 Entrepreneurial and Economic Development (SEED) Center.
博士的总统职位. 韦德·卢斯于2024年7月1日开始. Dr. 劳斯是金沙娱乐城的第八任校长. 他职业生涯的前半段是在私营部门度过的. 在获得学位之后, 最终在伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校获得经济学博士学位, Dr. 劳斯曾在芝加哥联邦储备银行任职, initially as an Economic Outreach Specialist and later a Policy 研究 Specialist. Dr. Rousse是一家注册投资咨询公司的负责人, 并在高等教育领域担任多个领导职务. 他是华盛顿大学的副院长.A. 弗兰克商学院, and the interim Director of the Alliance Bank Economic Policy Institute at Northern Arizona University (NAU).
在麦克尼斯大学. Rousse曾担任商学院院长, 大学发展副主席, 执行副总裁,目前担任总裁. 博士的头三年. Rousse’s under研究生 experience was spent living and learning on McNeese’s campus, 他认为大学生活中最快乐、最具个性的几年是哪一年.